Saturday, May 4, 2013


It's almost a year since I sat down and wrote something on here - but I've been busy so get off my back.  When you have a fan-base as small as mine - it doesn't matter how often I write stuff.  I don’t feel too terrible disappointing a loyal following of 2 people – one of which cannot read yet.  With that being said, my blog has been viewed over 1000 times (with 8 posts that means I'm getting approx. 125 views per post) - which is kinda cool.  I completely realize 943 times it has just been myself and the rest has been my son Mason accidentally hitting the bookmark on the laptop - but I don't care!  I'm excited!

So how has your year been?

This past year has been extremely trying for my family and me.  We have gone through a lot.  We are still going through a lot.  This year has tested us physically and emotionally, we’ve had extreme highs and extreme lows – sometimes within the same day.  We have battled and fought and failed.  We have won and lost, laughed and cried.  This isn’t meant as a poor us, please feel bad for us – this is simply meant to lay the groundwork for the meat of my post.

At one point throughout the last year during a particularly hard couple of days,  I got to thinking about how everything sucks and poor me and why me and why couldn’t I catch a break and blah blah blah – basically one of those days where you want to give up and just wish with all your might that the world would somehow feel your pain and a magical being would make everything all right for you – so you didn’t have to deal with it anymore.  It was on this day that a thought hit me – that completely changed my life. 

The thought was based on my legacy.

What will people say about you when your gone?  What will people remember about you?  Let’s be completely honest here – when someone dies everyone says all the right things.  How great of a person you were, how great of a parent you were, an amazing friend, a nice, kind, and gentle human being and the world is worse off for losing you.  I’m not concerned with that.  I’m talking about the real thoughts that people have about you inside their own head – or the things they will say about you when they don’t have to sugarcoat everything.  I’m not saying all those nice words and thoughts are lies or fake – I’m saying there’s often more they feel than just that. Get past the niceties and the polite words about you – what will people truly feel in their hearts about you as a person?  About me as a person?

It’s not the great moments that define you.  You are not defined by the vacations, and the promotions, and any of life’s “great” milestones or happy memories.  People are defined by how they act in times of danger, in times of struggle, and in times of pain.  People remember your “good times” – but your “good times” are not what bring you to your next “good times”.  Failure is.  Struggling is.  Pain is.  People remember Michael Jordan’s championships and game winners – but those moments only happened because of all the work, pain, and failure that came before.

For anyone keeping track – I’m at 500 words already but it’s been a year since I’ve posted last – so get comfortable – this may go on for a while.

This past year will define me.  There’s no way of knowing what is around the bend – and when things will get better or easier or just less complicated.  But I realized that it’s not the “when” that’s important.  It’s the how.  That day when I just wanted the universe to make it all better for me – what would have happened if it did?  What if all my problems were magically solved?  People would say I was one lucky SOB.  He really lucked out there – good for him.  I don’t want that.  While I’m sure it would be fantastic to be in a position where great things were just handed to you, and all of your dreams and desires could be simply asked for – and then quickly received – that’s not something I have nor is it something I wish for.  That’s not the legacy I want.  “He had an amazing life and never wanted for anything and had the whole world handed to him on a silver platter.”  Good for that guy – I’m sure it’s great.  That’s just not me.  I’ve always been very uncomfortable with feeling like I got something I didn’t earn – and while it would be nice to have everything I ever wanted – I would not enjoy it if it wasn’t something I went out and fought for myself.  Something that I felt I deserved.  You could hand me a million dollars, a perfect marriage, the best behaved children ever, an amazing career, a beautiful house, and perfect health and I would have it all!  While that would be great in theory – I’d much rather take my flawed life and put in the time and work necessary to achieve all of these things on my own.  I’d much rather know at the end of my life, that while my life was not perfect and I didn’t achieve everything I wanted – I worked my ass off for what I had and every success we had as a family – directly came from that work.

I realized all of this that one day in the blink of an eye and my perspective will be forever changed.  All because of that little thought about my legacy.  About what my friends and family will think about the type of person that I am.  All parents will tell you that having children makes you a stronger person – and of course it’s easy to believe.  It’s quite another thing to truly realize and live that change in your own life.  We will not only persevere together – we will succeed together.  And while you may think a 1 and 3 year old are not able to offer too much help to us in our struggles – the strength they give us to keep going and keep reaching is more then they will ever understand.  Until they have kids themselves one day, of course.

So thanks but no thanks Universe.  Even if there’s a magical being up there a few seconds away from making everything all better – let em know, I got this.  I will make it better and it may not be tomorrow or the day after – it may be years from now.  But this guy will not stop.  Every day – little by little I will be doing all the things it takes to get us where we want to be.  I will not stop no matter how often I fall or fail.  I will not be defined as one lucky SOB or a quitter.  When I’m gone people will say, “He didn’t have the easiest time, but he sure as hell fought through it, took control, and made it better.”  My kids will know that there were many times I could have given up in life.  Many times I could have let my pride die – sunk into self-pity and talked about how the world hated me and I never got the breaks that other people did.  They will know I could have quit or walked away and said, Oh well – didn’t work out the way I hoped so let’s throw in the towel.  They will know that those thoughts were never on the radar – that I fought and fought until I was happy with where we were, happy with what we had, and just happy in general.  They will know I made the hard decisions without looking back and the reason we are where we are today is not because of a lucky break.  It’s because life threw everything it had at us – and it wasn’t enough to stop me.  It just made me stronger and more determined until life had nothing left to throw.  When life got tough – he’s the guy we could go to – he’s the rock that could hold it all together.  He’s the person that could make even the worst of circumstances – manageable.  He’s the man who tirelessly put in the hours upon hours of work that it took.  The hours upon hours that many people were simply not willing or able to put in.  That’s what I want people to believe about me when I’m gone.  I don’t care if they say it out loud or tell people about it, but deep in their hearts that’s what I want them to believe about the man that I was.  And to get to that point – it took a lot of struggling.  It took a lot of failure, pain, sadness and work – but I will win my championship.  And it will be sweet.

And if this helps anyone else change their perspective on their own struggles – well that’s just the icing on the cake.  The way I see it – success in any aspect of life (be it love, health, career, etc…) is a pretty simple formula.  Don’t stop until you have it.

Don’t become complacent with where you are – and don’t quit.  Let everyone else get tired and take breaks and need time off – because you won’t.  Do something every day to further your cause.  All the while you are steadily advancing and gaining ground or furthering your lead   Envision your goal every minute of every day.  Get comfortable with failure and realize that’s just part of the journey – not an end to it. 

Sounds pretty easy right?  Haha.

I’ll let you know if it works.

Friday, August 10, 2012



Let me set the stage for you.  I am losing at Candyland for the 15th straight time to my 3 year old daughter.  I dislike losing – and I tried really hard to mask the emotion on my face – but the 10th time she pulled a double move card in a row I just couldn’t help myself.  “C’mon! Are you serious how is it even possible…”  She stared at me with pure joy in her eyes and said, “Daddy, I love this game.”

Of course she loves this game – apparently she can’t be beaten.  How annoying.  If it wasn’t my job to teach her how quitting is never acceptable, I WOULD SO QUIT RIGHT NOW.  I never said I was a graceful loser.  I’m a terrible loser.  Even in a game of Candyland with my 3 year old daughter.  I completely realize how pathetic this is. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012


My wife has had a rough week.  She has been doing everything around the house, taking care of the kids all day and all night and getting almost zero help from her significant other.  I’m not on a business trip.  I’m not at some retreat somewhere or volunteering all my time to help some poor humans who really need it.

My wife has been doing all the work because I have been sitting on the couch.  Watching the Olympics.

My wife likes Gymnastics and was intrigued with the first couple times she saw swimming finals, but other than that she is completely baffled on why someone would feel the need to sit on the couch and watch 12+ hours of this stuff a day.  If you or someone you know is asking this same thing – please read on.  I hope to help you completely understand.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pants on Fire

.Craig Cardilino

Today I had a realization.  I was speaking with someone and realized that a lot of what I was saying was complete lies.  I’m sure you know the lies I am talking about – the ones where you say something to be polite or because a specific answer to a question is just expected.  “How are you doing?”  “I’m fine, how are you?”  The conversation I was having seemed to be filled with these types of lies and it got me to thinking… How often do I do this on a daily basis without even thinking about it?  What are some other things I am lying about?  Well for anyone who reads this and also has the pleasure of talking with me at some point – here are the things that I am undoubtedly lying to you about, and what I would say to you if I wasn’t such a huge liar.

Friday, July 13, 2012


.Craig Cardilino

Last night I was reading my kids a Mother Goose/Nursery Rhyme book.  They thoroughly enjoyed it, obviously, but I was really disappointed in the subject matter of all these nursery rhymes.  Tuffets?  Curds and Whey?  People jumping over candlesticks?  I think it’s time for an update Mother Goose.  So, without further ado – Mother Goose meets 2012.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Back in my Day

.Craig Cardilino

I have had a few “back in my day” conversations lately and it got me to thinking.  I remember hearing stories from my parents’ childhood and grandparents’ childhood and thinking “How did they live like that?”  No offense, but no TV?  Ugh.

This led me to thinking what stories I will tell my children about my childhood that will inevitably lead them to thinking “How did you live like that?”  So this one is for them.  Kids, this is how I used to live.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Don't Quote Me on That

.Craig Cardilino

I love quotes.  What’s not to love?  Things that other people have said that sometimes relate to your life in a way that makes you feel, “Hey, I’m not some weirdly defective person who can’t relate to other people in any manner.  This person felt the same way. ”